October 2024
Hi everyone
For all the latest news and information on my most recent work please visit my Instagram account edinburghetcher or follow the link.
Sadly I can't see myself doing a Craft fair any time soon. It takes too much time and energy away from the creative part of the job. I have fond memories of doing St Johns Craft Fair however and for that reason I will leave this photo of my chum Peter Standen and my daughter taken way back when.
1 August 2012
Edinburgh Festival Fringe Craft Fair
I will be attending the 3D 2D Craft and Design Fair this year as usual which is part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe throughout August. I hope to display most of my work there. It would be great to see you and there will be a small discount for those who can manage to get and say hello.
A few years ago with my daughter Alice and fellow Printmaker Peter Standen.